Monday, September 7, 2009

Shevawn Day #4-Cauliflower is yummy...

DAY #4
Sunday... usually a quiche or something like that before church...nope! Not today... we stuck to it again!
Breakfast- Cheerios, 2 pieces turkey bacon, 3 oz. juice (this may only last 1 more day, and I'll have to move to egg whites or something...)
Snack- Cheese Stick (seeing a trend?)
Snack again (at the end of church)- 4 pieces watermelon
Lunch- THE HARDEST MEAL OF THE DAY- Where does everyone choose to go? Abuelos. One of my favs. But BRING IT! So, Mark and I did our best to get nutritional facts. The chips we knew we couldn't have, so we each had 1 corn tortilla w/ salsa (yummy), and we split a salad w/ shredded chicken and pinto beans, and a dish that had a chicken breast, veggies, and pinto beans (with the garlic butter sauce on the side)... not gonna lie, at one point I almost reached over to the girl's plate next to me and took a bite of her cheese enchilada, but it didn't seem appropriate. :)
Snack- Small cup applesauce
Snack- 10 almonds
Dinner- (to come)- Tortilla crusted tilapia (surprising low in carbs), tabouli wheat salad (to replace rice- Mark wasn't keen on it... it was a little "ethnic" for his taste), and roasted cauliflower (we eat this a lot and it is so very yummy... kind of like french fries) Here's the recipe for it:
Roasted Cauliflower Recipe (super easy and my husband loves it... that says a lot!)

Snack/ Dessert Plans: 1 cup of choco pudding... I am REALLY REALLY looking forward to this!

I don't know if this has anything to do with it or not, but in the past 2 days I have felt the baby move a ton more than normal. Perhaps she is having sugar withdrawals like mommy and daddy, or perhaps before, all the sugar/ carbs were putting her to sleep. Either way, it sure is a wonderful affirmation to feel her moving around and seemingly "happy." That's something I just love!!!
Happy Healthy Eating!

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