Sunday, September 6, 2009

Shevawn Day #3- Groceries and an interesting dinner...

DAY #3
Well, Saturday was Day 3, and here's how it turned out-
Breakfast- Cheerios w/ 1% Milk, 2 pieces turkey bacon, 3 oz. Peach/Mango juice
Snack- 2% Cheese Stick
Lunch- Market Street Salad Bar- lettuce, tomatoes, small amt. of cheese, artichokes, red bell pepper, tobouli (small amt. of wheat salad), grilled chicken, oil and vinegar dressing, Iced Tea
Snack- Whole Wheat toast with a smear of peanut butter
Dinner- Steak, 1 tbspn AI (I love this stuff... I could eat it on anything), green beans, Barley and cheese (See Mark's blog for an explanation...), water
Dessert- Yes! Dessert! We had 20 carbs left from dinner, so we looked up nutritional facts in Sonic desserts, and our only option was the 20 carb Jr. Oreo Sundae... yummo! It was great!
Snack- Early dinner with less carbs = starving wife= 4 small pieces of watermelon :)

Overall a good eating day. A few things that "got us" were how many carbs were in our favorite desserts... don't get me started on DQ Blizzards and Sonic Hot Fudge Shakes! Also, we went to the grocery store, and here's what we were surprised by:
1. It didn't cost nearly as much as we thought to eat this way... we bought more veggies, fruits, and "non packaged" things, as well as 3 things of meat... hmmm....
2. It took a looonnnnngggg time to find lunch meals that were the right amount of protein for "McBaby Girl" and the right amount of carbs for one meal (45 g total for the whole meal). Next time you eat lunch (frozen or whatever...) just look at how many carbs are in that meal! It's tough!
3. College Football wasn't the same w/o wings, fries, and soda, so we'll have to come up with a way to enjoy the games "Diabetes" style. :)
4. There are a lot of options of what to eat out there; you just have to be creative and open minded!

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