Saturday, September 5, 2009

Shevawn Day #2

Well, Day 2 was tough, but it started off great. Mark got up early and made us a "diabetic friendly" breakfast.

Breakfast- Egg whites with salsa (because really w/o the salsa it was pretty sick), turkey bacon (I prefer this anyway, so no complaints there), about a drop of juice (this was tough b/c I LOVE juice. :(), and very whole wheat toast with simply jif peanut butter (not too bad)

Snack- 2% cheese stick (as always)
Snack again- grapes (always yummy)

Lunch- the only thing I really had in the fridge was a Lean Cuisine pasta, which didn't have too many carbs, spinach salad with very little cheese, tomatoes, and a vinegarette dressing (I eat this everyday, so no real changes here), and water (I missed my mini sprite at this point)

Snack- Apple sauce (no changes there)

Snack again- whole grain crackers (still something I've always eaten)

Dinner- Dickey's bbq brisket w/3 tblspns sauce (mmm...meat...), cucumber salad (I always get this, and green beans (I missed the potatoes)

Dessert- NOTHING (perhaps the saddest part of the night... :()

So really, looking back at today, I wonder, if most of this is stuff I'm already doing, why is my blood sugar so high??? So, tomorrow I will add back in my daily walks (I've just been so beat lately), and pay more attention at the grocery story and get snacks and meals that have less carbs. I think the dessert thing and the fact that every once in awhile I want something fried (hello... wings, chick-fil-a, french fries...uggghhh), that's gonna be challenging.

But, I will remain optimistic!

1 comment:

  1. you know, this may become such a habit that you become miss incredible eater...not that you weren't before, but reading this puts you on a whole new level! I WISH i had a reason to HAVE to eat better...guess the grass is always greener on the other side, huh?

    we do need to get together! i know how it is being in the last weeks of you let me know when you feel like it and lana and i will be there! even if we just get together one saturday and veg watching football! :)
