Thursday, September 3, 2009

Mark Day #1 - Final Splurges and Tin Star

We're going to try and document what we end up eating each day. So here we go.

I got the call from Shevawn around 2pm and almost immediately after I hung up, I went to the fridge. I had a cold Dr. Pepper in there that I knew wasn't going to be on the diet. There were also a few Oreos that I made the sacrifice to "properly dispose" of. But that was all the cheating I'll be doing. For realz.

Tonight it was time to get down to business. We won't meet with a doctor until next week but we were able to grab some info off the web. We were both in no mood to cook and since we started our child berthing classes tonight over at Plano Presby we decided to go to one of our favorites, Tin Star.

I had the 1 taco plate with rice and black beans. I got the #9 taco (Chicken, Roasted Garlic, Red Onion Jalapeno Blend, Sweet Potato Straws, Jack Cheese) and instead of a tortilla I had them serve it up on a lettuce leaf.

It was really good! I'm not sure how good it was for me, but it was a step in the right direction. The big changes, (besides the lettuce/tortilla swap) was getting water and skipping the chips. The water wasn't actually that hard, I do that often, but skipping the chips...that's tough stuff...kind of.

See, if you've never been to Tin Star, you serve your own chips. The are right there. You order, you pay, you get your drink, and there are the chips. Walking past them felt strange...unnatural even.

However, once we sat down, I really didn't miss the chips all that much. Tin Star wasn't very crowded so our food was there within 5 minutes. I can live without chips for 5 minutes.

Later tonight I had to run to the store to grab a few things. One thing I did grab, Cheerios. They made a great evening snack and only had like 1 gram of sugar.

Well that's Day #1. Day #1 is always the easiest. There's passion. There's resolve. I hope they both show up tomorrow.

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