Thursday, September 3, 2009

It's Always Better When We're Together

Yes it's a Jack Johnson song. Yes we like Jack Johnson. What?!? :)

When Shevawn called me today to let me know she had gestational diabetes, it almost came out without thinking about: "I'll do it with you."

I knew the diet change was not going to be fun for Shevawn. It's not that her normal diet is bad (it's very good and balanced) it's just that I know how much she likes food. I know because I like it just as much.

So tonight we sat down and decided that we weren't going to give up food for 10 weeks. We're not going to eat cardboard or start taking all our meal in shake form. We're going to take this opportunity to experiment with food and we hope to find some fun new foods along the way.

So if you have recipes, resources, or just encouragement for what will be shaping up to be a high protein, low sugar diet, please comment it up. Thanks!

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